social media pessimist

The Wisdom of Pessimism

Why Good Societies Are Pessimistic

The Super Duper Late Show with The Social Media Pessimist

Pushing Past Pessimism on Social Media

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity | Social Media Status Messages

Who Makes More Money? The Pessimist Or The Optimist?


Why Optimism Makes Us Sad | Are We Better Off Being Pessimists?

How To Stop Being A Pessimist

'Id Rather Be Optimistic And Wrong Than Pessimistic And Right.' - Elon Musk

How to Save Love with Pessimism

President Ronald Reagan On 'The Pessimist And The Optimist'

Optimistic Nihilism

Commodification of Philosophy: Professors vs Influencers

Slavoj Žižek | Why Be Happy When You Could Be Interesting? | Big Think

You got 2 choices every day of your life

The Impact of Optimism on Your Life ❤️

Pessimism is *literally* for losers.

Optimistic life matters. Don’t confuse it with delusion

7 Life Lessons from Arthur Schopenhauer (The Philosophy of Pessimism)

AQA A-Level Sociology | The Media | Cultural Pessimism and New Media

Optimism Has Its Limits or Why I'm a Pessimist When Making (Financial) Plans [One Minute Rants]

Why Optimism is better than Pessimism

Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck) | Alison Ledgerwood | TEDxUCDavis